

Lime-Based WFGD Process Plant

The Lime-based WFGD process is very similar to the limestone-based WFGD but utilizes lime or high magnesium lime to absorb the SO2. Lime systems can be designed to produce wall board-grade gypsum as a saleable product.


Benefits of Lime WFGD

  • Lime provides higher SO2 absorption capacity compared to limestone
  • The highly alkaline reagent results in reduced Liquid-to-Gas (L/G) ratio and therefore reduced power consumption relative to limestone-based scrubbing
  • The higher reactivity of lime requires less retention time, reducing size and cost of the reaction tank
  • Lower L/G (lower power) than limestone WFGD
  • Utilizes smaller tank size due to requiring less reaction tank retention time
  • Site specific economic factors may favor lime over limestone WFGD

Commercially Proven

  • Thirty+ years of commercial operation at PacifiCorp, Hunter Station Units 1, 2 and 3 and Huntington Station Unit 1
  • Twenty+ years of commercial operation at Allegheny Power, Mitchell Unit 3
  • Fifteen+ years of commercial operation at Allegheny Power, Harrison Units 1, 2 and 3
  • Current MET contract for Minnkota Power Cooperative, Milton R. Young, Unit 1