MET Licensee Awarded WFGD Contracts | KraftPowercon


MET – Marsulex Environmental Technologies has announced their most recent flue gas desulfurization (FGD) project awards in the Peoples Republic of China. Contracted through MET’s licensee Sinosteel Tiancheng Environmental Protection Science & Technology Co. Ltd, the project utilized MET’s open spray tower, wet limestone FGD technology.

FGD absorbers have been supplied at two Pelletizing Plants owned by Wuhan Iron & Steel Group Minerals Co., Ltd. Kilns at Daye Iron Mine Pelletizing Plant, located in Huangshi City, and E’Zhou Pelletizing Plant, located in E’Zhou City, both in Hubei Province, are now equipped with FGD systems to remove 96% and 98% of the sulfur dioxide from emissions, respectively. Construction and start-up has been completed at both units. The specifics of the projects are:

Plant Location SO2 Removal Efficiency
Daye Iron Mine Pelletizing Plant, 1.2 Million t/a Oxidized Pellets Huangshi City, Hubei Province 96 %
E’Zhou Pelletizing Plant, 5 million t/a Oxidized Pellets E’Zhou City, Hubei Province 98 %

MET and SinoSteel Tiancheng had recently extended their wet FGD license agreement, back in April of 2014, expanding upon an already existing relationship of over 10 years. The April agreement extends the licensee to Sinosteel Tiancheng through June of 2019.

MET President stated,

“We are very pleased with the continued success of this licensee in the Chinese Industrial market. The successful start-up of these units adds to the impressive list of our FGD applications around the world. MET remains committed to providing solutions to a wide variety of air pollution control needs on a global spectrum.”

In December of 2014, Tiancheng also delivered on a licensee WFGD award, supplying the MET Wet FGD technology at a sintering unit owned by Xinyu Iron & Steel.

MET is a full-service air quality control company providing systems and services including OEM and upgrades to electric utilities, petrochemical and general industrial customers. MET solutions include wet, dry, and semi-dry FGD systems, Dry Sorbent Injection, mercury capture control, fabric filter and electrostatic precipitator technologies, and SCR/SNCR technologies. MET’s extensive portfolio of FGD technologies have been installed on a variety of utilities and industrial processes in 22 countries across the globe. This most recent, important steel industry award further bolsters MET’s installation base in China.