Advanced SDA Technology for Improved Flue Gas Treatment
SDA picture with grass

Advanced SDA Technology for Improved Flue Gas Treatment

In the SDA process lime slurry spray is injected in the raw hot gas which results in an efficient mass and heat transfer process. The lime slurry forms fine droplets enabling a controlled flue gas cooling by the evaporating water and chemical reactions between the agents in the flue gas.






SO3 and HF


MET system design advantages

MET offers a patented two-loop control concept:

SDA technology scheme

The concept offers the following advantages over traditional SDA

  • Approach to Saturation Temperature is controlled independently from SO2 removal.
  • SO2 removal control can be controlled via feedback from actual outlet conditions as well as a feed forward control from boiler operations.
  • Fabric filter size is significantly smaller and mounted at grade compared to a typical CDS system
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Our Experts

Derek Godbold

Bronwyn Graeffe

Chetan Ghare

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